A new partnership for a promising future for the family medicine through the Gulf association of Family Medicine.
Dear Colleagues,
It is my honor and pleasure as conference president and on behalf of the Kuwait Association of Family physicians and general practitioners, and the KIFMC scientific and organizing committees, to invite you to attend the Kuwait international family medicine conference.
We look forward to welcome family physicians, general practitioners, medical students and professionals from the GCC to explore, share and be inspired by the future of family medicine in light of the current challenges.
The Kuwait international family medicine conference 2023 will be held in Salwa AlSabah Hall, Kuwait in the period from 18th -20th May 2023.
Our conference theme is “The Gulf associations of Family Medicine.A new partnership for a promising future for the family physicians”. We will explore how all our efforts can be brought together to effect real change . The conference will focus on activating the new partnership for all Gulf family medicine associations. This is accomplished by exchanging experiences between the Gulf countries and benefiting from them in developing unified recommendations for the Gulf countries in order to provide the best primary health care services and to develop GCC primary health care system. Special emphasis on challenges and solutions in different aspects on views to reach best recommendations.
Furthermore, it will emphasize on updates in clinical practice guidelines and protocols.
The conference gives the chance for several research to be discussed as abstracts and posters in addition to important workshops to enrich the audience new concepts.
I am confident that this conference will be an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and reach recommendation to optimize services in the gulf, as well as of the opportunities to engage people as agents of change.
With a multiculcure,regional and international participation, the Kuwait international family medicine conference 2023 will be an opportunity for professional networking that is hard to miss.
We hereby warmly welcome you all to join us for the conference that will definitely be in line with the vision of The Gulf association of Family Medicine: a vision to provide high quality educational resources and to enable primary health care physicians to provide optimal care for patients.
Kuwait is a beautiful country where you get to experience a multicultural society .it also offers countless activities and experiences that should be experience by everyone.
I thank you for your support towards Kuwait international family medicine conference 2023.
Dr. Mohammad Alazemi
Conference Chairman
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